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The Future Teacher Foundation

Average Rating4.34
(based on 196 reviews)

We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance. We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.




We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance. We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.
KS2 Stone Age Resources - Engaging Inspiring Independent Learning Cross-Curricula Time Detectives

KS2 Stone Age Resources - Engaging Inspiring Independent Learning Cross-Curricula Time Detectives

This fantastic, fun, challenging, cross-curricula lesson is packed with learning and has elements of: computing, history, writing and speaking and listening, built into a lesson centred around independent learning and research. Children will be using and applying the historical learning they acquire creatively, as they work through the challenges of the lesson. An optional competitive element, combined with the fun of potentially becoming a Time Detective (and earning a Time Detective badge) create added motivation and increased engagement towards the learning. Children research in a holistic way building up a bigger picture of life the time period and then present their creations providing you with an assessment opportunity and a chance to decide the winners. The lesson ideal for either the beginning, middle or end of a history topic or unit. Can be done in an hour but better over two, contains starter and plenary. Made for KS2 but accessible to more able KS1 and less able KS3 All images either owned by tftf or released through Creative Commons C.O
Amazing Natural Sculpture and Photography Art & DT Lesson Cross-Curricula KS1 KS2 or EYFS Suitable

Amazing Natural Sculpture and Photography Art & DT Lesson Cross-Curricula KS1 KS2 or EYFS Suitable

This fantastic, complete lesson gives children the chance to develop a wide range of skills including vision, design, team work. trial and error, photography and reading comprehension all wrapped up in a truly engaging all-round highly creative learning experience. Written instructions are provided for the class to comprehend and follow, this element can be adapted to make the learning accessible for younger pupils. The lesson provides the opportunity to go outside plus an alternative if that isn't an option. PowerPoint includes brief lesson input with sculpture web and video link. Custom reflective self-evaluation plenary sheets are also included to ensure learning is reflected upon and success evaluated. Part of a 6 lesson art & DT unit designed to match local area study, nature or woodland topics - available to buy from the TES
Local Area Study Landscape Art Lesson KS1 KS2 Suitable

Local Area Study Landscape Art Lesson KS1 KS2 Suitable

This complete lesson will easily produce some very detailed drawings that would be perfect for display and is very easy to teach. It comes with an extension activity for any early finishers and a reflective self-evaluation sheet for a plenary activity. Brief PowerPoint introduction introduces learning objectives, links to a video, and explains the difference between portrait and landscape. Perfect for KS1 or KS2 and differentiated by outcome. Part of a 6 lesson art & DT unit designed to match local area study, nature or woodland topics - available to buy from the TES. Also suitable for a discrete art lesson any time of year.
KS2 Stone Age Cross-Curricula Independent Learning based Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives

KS2 Stone Age Cross-Curricula Independent Learning based Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives

This fun yet challenging, cross-curricula lesson has elements of: computing, history and writing, all built into a lesson centred around independent learning. Children will complete a series of engaging tasks including labelling a graphic of a Stone Age man with researched information on clothing and possessions, learning what a person from that time may have owned and building their understanding of life was really like in the time period. They then complete 3 written activities and an extension activity based upon that knowledge they have gained. Activities include framing historically-valid questions, critical thinking and drawing comparisons: all aspects of the new 2014 curriculum. The activities are designed to elicit a deeper level of thought and understanding of the era. Can be taught as two separate hour long lessons but better over one longer session, contains starter and plenary, made for KS2 but accessible to higher ability KS1 and lower ability KS3.
Coping with Anger - KS1 or KS2 Complete Lesson for SEAL & PSHE with Cross-Curricula Elements

Coping with Anger - KS1 or KS2 Complete Lesson for SEAL & PSHE with Cross-Curricula Elements

Lots of discussion and 3 engaging videos help to make these vital life skills accessible to all children. Children will first define anger, understand triggers and then learn techniques for controlling their anger. Starter, input and plenary all included on the PowerPoint and the lesson comes with 2 creative, fun learning activities. Especially great for SEN or if your class are having difficulty with social and emotional issues or just for promoting emotional intelligence.
KS1 Minibeast Cross-Curricular Literacy Pack

KS1 Minibeast Cross-Curricular Literacy Pack

KS1 Minibeast cross-curricular literacy pack is suitable for any insect, minibeast or nature based study/topic - or for simply an inspiring writing lesson or two! This is a complete, engaging, imaginative, creative writing or Big Writing stimuli lesson that can be applied to many different writing genres. Children discuss ideas and then plan by answering the thought provoking questions which enable a wealth of ideas to be generated for the writing. Planning sheet has space for 5 sense descriptions, VCOP elements and purpose, audience and genre notes to help meet the new 2014 curriculum. Starter activity plus 2 widths of line guides/writing sheets included plus optional paragraph planning sheet, custom art sheet and self-assessment plenary activity mean that this lesson's length is flexible and could easily last for 2 hours if you wanted it to and comes with 3 different options for delivery over 1,2 or 3 lessons. Lesson is aimed at higher ability KS1 but can be used for KS2 as well. All images licensed through Creative Commons C.0
KS2 Anglo-Saxon Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives Complete Lesson Pack

KS2 Anglo-Saxon Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives Complete Lesson Pack

This fun yet challenging, cross-curricula lesson has elements of: computing, history and writing, all built into a lesson centred around independent learning. Children will complete a series of engaging tasks including labelling a graphic of an Anglo-Saxon man with researched information on clothing and possessions, learning what a person from that time may have owned and building their understanding of life was really like in the time period. They then complete 3 written activities and an extension activity based upon that knowledge they have gained. Activities include framing historically-valid questions, critical thinking and drawing comparisons: all aspects of the new 2014 curriculum. The activities are designed to elicit a deeper level of thought and understanding of the era. Can be taught as two separate hour long lessons but better over one longer session, contains starter and plenary, made for KS2 but accessible to higher ability KS1 and lower ability KS3.
KS2 Vikings Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives Complete Lesson Pack

KS2 Vikings Clothing and Possessions Time Detectives Complete Lesson Pack

This fun yet challenging, cross-curricula lesson has elements of: computing, history and writing, all built into a lesson centred around independent learning. Children will complete a series of engaging tasks including labelling a graphic of a Viking with researched information on clothing and possessions, learning what a person from that time may have owned and building their understanding of life was really like in the time period. They then complete 3 written activities and an extension activity based upon that knowledge they have gained. Activities include framing historically-valid questions, critical thinking and drawing comparisons: all aspects of the new 2014 curriculum. The activities are designed to elicit a deeper level of thought and understanding of the era. Can be taught as two separate hour long lessons but better over one longer session, contains starter and plenary, made for KS2 but accessible to higher ability KS1 and lower ability KS3
Well Being & Mental Health Pack for Primary Pupils. Calming, PSHE, SEAL Mindfulness Bundle SAVE 25%

Well Being & Mental Health Pack for Primary Pupils. Calming, PSHE, SEAL Mindfulness Bundle SAVE 25%

Save 25% off the separate selling price by purchasing this huge bundle of primary age resources that will reap benefits for you and your classes for years to come. Teach essential life skills that also create a harmonious classroom with a 6 unit friendship skills complete unit plus further complete lessons on empathy, coping with anger and self-esteem including identifying areas of development. Bundle also contains both of our popular Mindfulness Colouring Books for Children (one of which has been recommended by the TES Resource team with a 5 star rating - and the other is easily just as good if not better!) over 80 pages of professional, stylish and calming colouring. These books go hand-in-hand with our professionally produced guided meditation relaxation audio which is also included. Get your class to close their eyes as they are taken on a spoken word guided visualisation journey set to relaxation music - perefct for calming a class after break time or any other over-excitement. Relaxation audio also included by itself. The final product is a personal favourite of ours entitled Mindfulness Colouring and Creativty Book for Children. Taking inspiration from the anti-colouring books but focusing on enhancing and developing specific creative thinking abilities in children of all ages with fun artistic challenges that your class will love. Hours upon hours of engaging, creative, calming and beautiful learning that will last a lifetime for your class. All images either soured via CCO 1.0 Universal license, from openclipart.org or owned by tftf. Music licensed by creator for this product. Spoken word and resources copyright tftf.
Friendship Skills - Engaging & Potentially Beautiful KS2 PSHE and SEAL Complete Lesson

Friendship Skills - Engaging & Potentially Beautiful KS2 PSHE and SEAL Complete Lesson

Children will learn how to maintain friendships when circumstances change. Starter, plenary, learning activity introductions, linked videos and questioning all included on the PowerPoint. Main learning activity involves children writing to each other in a way that could be treasured for a very long time by the children - creating a memorable and magical lesson full of very useful learning for their future lives.
Earth's Structure Art Cross-Curricula KS2 Adaptable for KS1. Differentiated  Great for Display

Earth's Structure Art Cross-Curricula KS2 Adaptable for KS1. Differentiated Great for Display

This fun yet challenging art lesson involves children making creative and artistic decisions that match materials and their effects to a purpose. Children learn about the layers and structure of the Earth through linked videos and web resources and then discuss, plan and create potentially stunning pieces of art. Starter, teaching input, differentiated examples and reflective self-evaluation sheets included, plus writing activity for early finishers. Designed as a final part of a 6 lesson art & DT unit (available to buy from the TES) intended to match Space topics or learning, but will work as a stand-alone discrete lesson.
KS2 Space Worksheet and Activities Topic Pack: Cross-Curricula, Educational and Fun

KS2 Space Worksheet and Activities Topic Pack: Cross-Curricula, Educational and Fun

This pack contains 14 worksheets covering a range of Space theme or topic related activities. Designed for you to base lessons upon or always have something up your sleeve if your class need occupying. Activities include: - writing tasks - creative tasks - artistic tasks - poetry - researching - word search activities plus a blank line guide sheet plus a blank art sheet both with a space/planets themed border. All with a modern and cool style designed to engage children of all ages. All images either sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.
KS2 Space Activities and Resources: Mega Pack up to 30 Lessons plus extras

KS2 Space Activities and Resources: Mega Pack up to 30 Lessons plus extras

This pack can provide up to 30 lessons if you wish. With this bundle you will never be short of Space related learning for your class. Designed to save you time and provide your class with engaging and memorable learning activities. Contains: - 3 x complete space themed creative writing lessons that can each be completed over 3 lessons! - A complete 7 lesson Space Art and DT unit containing original, engaging and easy to teach lessons: MTP included. - A 14 worksheet Space activity pack containing fun, educational, cross-curricula activities. - Display lettering and title sheets for your class wall - A word document of links to 14 wonderful space related web resources to save you time. Designed for KS2 (Year 5) but there’s no reason why it couldn’t be used for Y2 or KS3. All images sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.
Igneous Rocks KS2 Science Lesson: Formation, Properties and Appearance

Igneous Rocks KS2 Science Lesson: Formation, Properties and Appearance

Complete, easy to teach lesson with starter, engaging teaching input (including videos) and fun plenary activity all included on the PowerPoint. Children will learn all about the formation, properties and appearance of igneous rocks. Two differentiated activities/worksheets included in the Learning Activities pack with Two different options for approaching to the work included in the Teachers' Notes.
KS2 Stone Age Art Lesson on Fur. Fun, Cross-Curricula and Extendable to Whole Afternoon or Morning

KS2 Stone Age Art Lesson on Fur. Fun, Cross-Curricula and Extendable to Whole Afternoon or Morning

This easy to teach cross-curricula art lesson comes complete with starter, teaching input, full colour images and reflective self-evaluation plenary worksheets, plus an optional writing activity for early finishers. PowerPoint teaches children about Stone Age use of fur, putting the lesson within an easily understandable historical context. Children test technique before committing to their final work which, when mounted, would make an outstanding display. Pastels and pencils are the recommended art technique but other techniques can also be applied. Could be taught in an hour if needs be or extended to a whole afternoon or morning. Part of a 6 lesson complete unit of Stone Age art and design/DT available to buy from the TES.
Friendship Skills, Philosophy and Drama all in one KS2 Complete PSHE and SEAL Lesson

Friendship Skills, Philosophy and Drama all in one KS2 Complete PSHE and SEAL Lesson

This intriguing lesson is designed to stimulate deep thought and discussion, exploring the issues of our choices, our nature and the idea of taking responsibility for our actions. Children are introduced to the idea of the moment of choice and see how they can make better choices with their friendships and in social situations. Contains philosophical questions in response to a video stimuli that will spark intriguing discussions. These discussions lead on to a creative drama activity that explores the idea of making the right choice. Complete lesson with starter, plenary, learning activities, questions and resources all included.
Engaging Space Scene Complete Art Lesson KS2 and KS1 Suitable

Engaging Space Scene Complete Art Lesson KS2 and KS1 Suitable

Complete cross-curricula lesson with unique, easy to understand graphic instructions that children need to comprehend and then follow. Children plan, practice and then create an incredible 2D Space scene picture complete with planets, stars and a rocket using a variety of artistic mediums with easy to source, commonly found in school, art materials. Starter, brief teaching input and reflective self-evaluation plenary worksheets are all included, plus an optional writing activity for early finishers. Lesson length approx 2 hours KS1 children may need to have the lesson adapted slightly, information on this is in the teachers' notes.
Watercolour Art Lesson from Nature Cross-Curricula KS1 or KS2 Suitable with Reading Comprehension

Watercolour Art Lesson from Nature Cross-Curricula KS1 or KS2 Suitable with Reading Comprehension

This lovely lesson gives children the chance to study, appreciate and replicate nature using everyday school art materials including pencils and watercolour paints. Written instructions are provided for the class to comprehend and follow, and the lesson comes with a creative extension activity plus a writing activity for early finishers. The lesson provides the opportunity to go outside plus an alternative if that isn't an option. PowerPoint includes brief lesson input with watercolour video link and reflective self-evaluation plenary sheets are also included. Part of a 6 lesson art & DT unit designed to match local area study, nature or woodland topics - available to buy from the TES
Friendship Skills KS2 PSHE & SEAL Complete Lesson: End of Unit

Friendship Skills KS2 PSHE & SEAL Complete Lesson: End of Unit

This lesson is designed to be used at the end of a unit of work all about friendship skills (which is also available as a complete package from this site). Contains starter, plenary and 3 gorgeous activities that could potentially change the lives of the children in your class as they reflect on and demonstrate their knowledge. Perfect for transitioners and Year 6's needing a boost before they go to new schools.